Ji Hoon Park Expert Advisor
  • TEL 82 2 6182 8128
  • FAX 82 2 6003 7027
  • E-MAIL
Ji Hoon Park is an expert advisor at Yoon & Yang LLC and his main practice area is employment and labor.
Before joining the firm, Mr. Park worked at the Plant Division of POSCO E&C, and the Pohang Branch, Certification Institute and the Evaluation Center of the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA).


  • 2023-present Yoon & Yang LLC
  • 2024-present Member, Occupational Safety and Health Standards Establishment Committee, Ministry of Employment and Labor
  • 2024-present Member, Advanced Robot User Development and Safety Innovation Forum, Korea Robot User Association
  • 2023-present International Auditor, ISO45001 (Safety and Health Management System)
  • 2023-present Technical Advisory Member, Korea Smart Safety and Health Technology Association
  • 2023-present Member, ISO TC 299 (industrial robot) International Standardization Response Committee, Korea Robot Industry Association
  • 2020-23 Evaluation Center of KOSHA
  • 2011-20 Certification Institute of KOSHA
  • 2006-10 Pohang Branch of KOSHA
  • 2004-06 Mechanical Engineer, Plant Division of POSCO E&C


  • 2004 University of Ulsan, B.E. in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering
  • ISO45001 (Safety and Health Management System) International Auditor
    IEC Certification System for Explosive Atmospheres (IEC Ex011 Basic knowledge of the safety of hydrogen systems)
    Certified Fire & Explosion Investigator

  • Korean and English